He is full of Faith

Favour Ara
3 min readNov 3, 2022
The little girl ABBA has faith in

The Bible says, "To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see" (Hebrews 11:1). I must say that absolutely no one models this scripture more than God Himself. It goes in line with one of His most famous attributes which is His faithfulness (Exodus 34:6).

Although we often see it as His loyalty and consistency, today I'd like us to look at it as Him being full of faith. Basically, God having faith! It isn't exactly spelt out in the scriptures but His every move makes it known. From Genesis to Revelation we see God express His faith in fugitives, prostitutes, murderers, gentiles, those who were considered the least; literally everyone who it was said of, "No good can come out from you", by making them KINGS (according to their calling).

Gideon is my favourite guy whenever this topic is discussed. His story makes everything make sense. Now I understand why it seems like God always hands us responsibilities bigger than us and unimaginable assignments we’d never get involved with naturally, why He speaks confidently of a future entirely blurry to me and assures me of His out of the world promises. It’s all because He has faith in me.

Little ol' me.

The angel of the Lord called out to Gideon in Judges 6:12 saying, "... thou mighty man of valour." But that wasn’t who he was. He was only the least important person in His family from the weakest tribe (talk about the lowest low)! Yet the Lord said to "go with all your great strength... I Myself am sending you. You can do it because I will help you."

The Lord was basically saying, I have faith in YOU! And I need you to have faith in the Me in you.

When ABBA say somethings to me I’m like, who does this Guy think I am? But Ebele Light puts it the best when she said (paraphrased), "From the standpoint of God, it is done." Because God sees Himself in us. He sees our interaction with the highest wisdom and our connection to the mightest being! He sees our oneness with the omnipotent and wonder why we don’t believe or why we’re not going at His command.

God has so much faith in us. He sees us embody His very essence and sends us out. Not because He hates us and enjoys pushing us to entremes but because He knows we’re able- because He’s able! It’s why anyone who comes to God must believe first and foremost that He is! From there onward is a life of endless possibilities.

God did, He does and will always have faith in you!

Hey there! Thank you for reading today’s post, it’s extra special 'cause of two things. First, today’s my birthdayyyy, whoo hoo💃💅🎉 and secondly because today makes it exactly 10 months since I started posting on Medium again.

Thank you for always showing up here to read, highlight, share, follow and comment. Omggg the comments!! They always uplift my spirit.

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Favour Ara

Starting this blog hopeful that you'd feel less lonely figuring stuff out ❣️ Let's find Jesus together 🤝// 👣